Thursday, April 28, 2011

Shifting- we loved it!

It helped that we had a big purple couch to give away. 
 The donation of it for the set of the quirky Devious Theatre's play 'Shifting' (Irish slang for kissing) helped us to get fantastic front row seats, and that helped us see some of the hidden extras in this well written (teen-written!) & mainly teen acted play. To explain: the setting of Shifting is a 18 yr old birthday girl's parent's home, and we not only got to see the main stage of the sitting room, but we had a clear view of the down the hallway, and also the window outside to the trampoline and patio set. We got to see the peripheral action, which was a fun addition, tho' not essential to enjoying the play. We loved the realistic set, and when the audience arrived music was blaring at party-level so that you had to shout to chat to your seat neighbor, just like a real party. I almost helped myself to a drink.

Watch this clip of the set before the play started- it feels like you're at a party, doesn't it!
And that is they way it was throughout the whole evening- characters and dilemmas that we identified with  from our own (rather distant) teen party days, which made us laugh, feel sad, and, em, truthfully, generally feel glad those days were over! John Kennedy, the young writer of the play did a wonderful job, and we look forward to seeing more of his work. We've only seen this and the very enjoyable & innovative Scratcher from Devious Theatre, but we are quite impressed with the young talent there, and the way both pieces began by including the audience in the set up. (In Scratcher, you queued up & had your ticket taken by 'dole officers' and were intimidatingly asked when you had last worked. There were also brilliant posters everywhere, & I'm sorry I can't remember, and didn't photograph, them.) During the interval for 'Shifting' there were also party snacks for the audience while the scene was set for later on in the party evening:

Crisps and popcorn were thrown on the floor and ground in to set the stage. 
(I won't tell you what happened in the play, this review gives a bit, and I also think there is going to be a video of the play from Devious at some point, which you should definitely look out for!) One of our favorite scenes happened in this second half, proving that some songs and 'dance' moves are timeless! 
Here is the video trailer for Shifting to give you a taster (no pun intended), until a video of the play is (?) released. 

Go check out Devious Theatre's website for more info, reviews of the play, and news of their upcoming production, Smitten. Also check out the several audio clips they did for Shifting here, on the News section (scroll down.)  I suppose I am in danger of sounding like a middle-aged Devious groupie, but I love all the different ways they 'add on' to the theatre/plays/promo. And I thought theatre was fun back when I was in high school drama-- I know I said I was glad my teen years were over, but if we had had a Devious-type theatre then, I could be tempted to time travel back! 
Well done to all the Devious crew, younger and older; we're looking forward to more! 


  1. Deadly write-up, thanks a million Susan and delighted ye got to enjoy the show. Sure it wouldn't have happened but for the arrival of the purple couch.

    Keep a night spare around the last week of June and we'll keep two seats for you for the Smitten, the last of the trilogy for this year.


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